Water kefir or Milk kefir – Which is better?

Many people who read about probiotics wonder about the same thing, which one they should try first, Milk kefir or Water kefir.

Both the varieties of Kefir are good in their own way. Owing to the nutrients present in the milk, Milk kefir has a stronger profile. But the beauty of water kefir is its versatility. You can ferment a lot more than just water with these grains.

Apart from fermenting sweet water, you can ferment fruit juices, fruits, and vegetables using water kefir grains.
If your family enjoys lassi or chaas, Milk kefir is a better option. But if your kids like fruit juices or eat salads, water kefir gives you a better advantage.

Both these drinks complement each other and they are so easy to maintain.
But the brains once and you can use them forever. Feed them regularly and they will give you nutritious drinks in return for years to come.

Water Kefir is especially good during the summer. Add a bit of lemon into the fermented water and stick in a fridge for a few days and you will get a bubbly soda-like drink. And with Water grains, there is no end to experimentation. Ferment fruits and enjoy a tango fruit juice or ferment a beetroot and you’ve got yourself one of the best hangover cures. There is no limit to its utility.

Apart from giving you amazing nutrition, it helps build your immunity and digestion power. So instead of gulping down probiotic tablets or drinking store brought probiotics drinks laced with preservatives, make yours at home.

If you still have questions or confused about which one to order, give me a call and I will help you decide.
Discover more about Kefir grains, call 9741821711 for details. We have a special offer for those who want to buy both milk and water kefir grains.

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