Top reasons why you should include Kefir to your food habits

Most people would not have heard the name kefir until they stumble upon it in a educational video or a news article.  And many do not recognize the word when I call them. Keifer, kaafir and kefr are some of the common ways to pronounce it. But since these amazing grains originated from so many sources, you can pronounce it in whatever way and they still work.

Why should you drink kefir?  There are two types of people who consume kefir. The first type  ( which is about 5% of my customer) is a rare breed. They believe in working out, eating healthy and taking precautions to strengthen their bodies against common illnesses. They take kefir to improve their immunity and to improve their gut bacteria.

Vast majority of our customers ( almost 94%) include Kefir in their food when they have a health issue and the common methods of treating them is not working.

Here is a simple explanation of the different benefits of Kefir……and what you can expect when include Kefir in your lifestyle.



2 thoughts on “Top reasons why you should include Kefir to your food habits”

  1. I saw it on a video and in a article about kefir,i want to know about it. And various types milk based kefir,water based kefir,coconut water based kefir,does after its usage have any side effects


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